Orthodontic Treatment – Too Old – Too Young?

This Blog was posted by Clearview Dental – your Family Dentist in Milton, Ontario

At What Age Can You Start Orthodontic Treatment?

There is no age limitation for orthodontic procedures and these are recommended for kids as young as 4 years old. Older people up to 60 years are known to undergo this procedure to gain perfect teeth. But the right age for the best
results and least pain is between 8 and 14 and we recommend you to start the procedure around this time.

Human jaw is known to grow at the fastest pace when you are 8 or 9 years old. This is the appropriate time for “interceptive orthodontics” where your jaw can be expanded so as to obtain the best results. After this, you will have to wait until your permanent teeth are in place before you start your full orthodontic procedure. This is usually done at ages 13 or 14 after the permanent teeth are in place.

Is There Any Difference In Orthodontic Treatment Done Once You Are Older?

There is no age limitation for this treatment and can be delayed for a few years. But it will take much more time and can be a lot more painful once you are older. In order to gain the expansion gained easily at age 8, the orthodontist will have to exert much more pressure at age 14 and this would be much more painful. After you turn 20 years or so, only surgery can provide the desired jaw expansion.

How Does It Feel To Put Braces On?

Except for the initial sore feeling in mouth, teenagers never find any big problem with braces. They may feel the soreness for a week or so every time after the braces are tightened. The newer braces are so user friendly that you
won’t even notice their existence in your mouth. The only exceptions would be if you get smashed in your face or when the braces are tightened.

It won’t be such an easy feeling if you get braces past 18 years of age or so. You may feel like your teeth are loose. Even then the resultant killer smile gained can be worth all this trouble.

Do Braces Hurt?

It depends on the type of braces you get. Older braces were really painful for the most part. New generation braces are painful only when they are set in place or tightened.

Is It Okay To Talk With Braces On?

Absolutely. Normal braces do not affect your voice or talking ability. Every thing normal teenagers do like singing, shouting, talking, yelling etc. is possible. Braces are not going to hinder you from any of these activities. Only
exception would be if you get hit on your face. That can be a painful experience!

Some times the orthodontist has to place an instrument that can restrict your tongue movement. This may cause difficulty for you to talk clearly for a couple of days or so. Later, you can talk properly.

Are There Any Activities Those Need To Be Avoided While Having The Braces On?

Avoid fighting and chances of getting hit on your face. As such avoid sporting activities that involve close body contact like boxing, karate, wrestling etc.

Can I Eat Normally After Getting Braces?

It is okay to eat most of the food items you eat now. As your mouth is going to be sore for a week after the braces are put on, try to eat only softer food items for that period of time. After this period of time, you can go back to
your regular menu.

Are There Any Other Food Product To Be Avoided?

Eating sticky food items like chewing gum, caramel, candy etc can cause the braces to slide away from their position. Crunchy food items like carrots, apples, hard rolls etc need to be reduced so as to avoid the risk of your braces get knocked out.

What To Do If The Braces Come Off?

It is not a serious problem and can be easily reattached by your orthodontist. If it occurs quite frequently, you may need to spend some extra time to get the results.

Why Don’t The Orthodontist Set The Braces In Place Real Strongly So That The Braces Do Not Come Off Even During Eating?

The braces are to be removed after the treatment program. In case, they are set in place too strong, they cannot be removed easily at the end of the procedure.

How Is The Very First Visit To My Orthodontist Going To Be?

Your orthodontist will start the treatment only after a few appointments. The very first appointment will be dedicated to study your medical history. He will thoroughly examine your mouth and decide whether you need any orthodontic

Your orthodontist is going to go through your mouth and verify the finish of each section. He will check to see if your mouth is large enough for all your teeth to fit in. He will check the alignment of your top teeth and bottom teeth.
He will look for any uneven, missing or crooked teeth. He will see if there is any breathing problems or joint problems in your jaw. The orthodontist is going to make his final decision as to whether you need braces or not based on all
these factors.